We are always improving our product offering with new and exciting features. This time we would like to point your attention to translation and script sync.
The Scriptix API-platform and editors now also have the option to translate the automatically generated output from our speech to text models. The service integrated can translate out of and into 26 languages with a very high accuracy. Moreover, privacy is covered like Scriptix’s speech recognition service. The service integrated for machine translation runs on an EU-cloud provider in line with the recent Schrems-II ruling.
In the last newsletter, we already mentioned Script Sync, a feature that allows users to align a perfect script with a video. So what changed? Within a month after releasing Script Sync as an API-feature, we have now added it to our user interface as well, meaning anybody can use the service even without a technical background. We expect the service to be a huge time saver when creating subtitles. After all, in many cases a perfect script – from let’s say a documentary – is already available, it’s just not synced with the audio yet. Using Script Sync tackles this problem. We run the media file through our speech to text engine, so we know which words belong where in the video. As a second step we take the perfect script as a ground truth and replace words in the automated output that are different with those from the perfect script. This way we create a subtitle perfectly in sync with the audio ánd perfect on word level, leaving the user only a fraction of the time normally spent to make the subtitle perfect.
And the great thing is, once you have created this aligned subtitle you can then use the other cool new feature to translate it into 25 different languages!
If you would like to know more about these new features or try them out yourself, reach out to [email protected] for more information.